Sunday, November 11, 2012

When I first moved to California, I painted about a picture a year...

Melrose Ave. (originally 20" x 16") This painting now only exists in 1's and 0's - termites were eating the stretchers, so we had to part ways. 

Storefronts on Heliotrope  (circa 1990, 24" x 30")

[I'd gone to Highland Grounds, had a couple of cups of coffee, thinking, "oh, great, I don't have to drink alcohol, I'll just have some joe,"  Several hours later, 4:30 in the morning, having not slept a wink, I got up and painted this in a hot frenzy.  This is a kind of farewell painting to my old storefront; priced out after trendiness (can you say "Cafe Mambo"?) raised the rent too high.] 

I'm Lying Down (30" x 24")

Jacarandas and Hollywood Hills  (30" x 24")

[This is on a street north of Beverly Boulevard - Fuller or Sierra Bonita,  perhaps.]
Joshua Tree (46" x 28")
     We hiked to the top in the blazing heat.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Some of my art that is at Jeannette's house...

Unknown Woman Lying

Hot Red Sun
North Bennington, Cold Day

Changing Lines No. 2

I Plant Some Seeds