Sunday, November 11, 2012

When I first moved to California, I painted about a picture a year...

Melrose Ave. (originally 20" x 16") This painting now only exists in 1's and 0's - termites were eating the stretchers, so we had to part ways. 

Storefronts on Heliotrope  (circa 1990, 24" x 30")

[I'd gone to Highland Grounds, had a couple of cups of coffee, thinking, "oh, great, I don't have to drink alcohol, I'll just have some joe,"  Several hours later, 4:30 in the morning, having not slept a wink, I got up and painted this in a hot frenzy.  This is a kind of farewell painting to my old storefront; priced out after trendiness (can you say "Cafe Mambo"?) raised the rent too high.] 

I'm Lying Down (30" x 24")

Jacarandas and Hollywood Hills  (30" x 24")

[This is on a street north of Beverly Boulevard - Fuller or Sierra Bonita,  perhaps.]
Joshua Tree (46" x 28")
     We hiked to the top in the blazing heat.

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