Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Summer 2013

 SUMMER PAINTINGS, 2013 - The season of summer is always too short for me...

Ian At The Lake (2013)
40" x 30"
Ah yes, the Viking warrior (aka my nephew Ian, at about 13 ) gestures as the ancient Sunfish sailboat pulls into shore.
My brother John at the rudder.  Alex is so young that his torso and legs haven't grown together yet....

(30" x 30")
I painted this to be the cover for my record of songs on an CD (released this July 2013- lynbertles.com)
Basically, it's me (bien sur!) in the pond at my mom's property in Vermont.  There really is a blow-up raft there, and many happy hours have been lolled in it.
A wish fulfillment picture.

In The Pool
(30" x 40")
.I do have a pool fetish, but David Hockney's already been there, so I have to keep it in check....

In The Bathtub
(2013,  30" x 30")
This is an after-image painting. Sort of. What I see when I close my eyes as  I'm lying in the bath.

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