Wednesday, January 9, 2013

LAKE WHITINGHAM, VERMONT paintings of yore...

Lake Whitingham II (circa 2005, 48" x 30")
with my brothers and sister-in-law Carina.
Here is a link to this southern Vermont town's website...Vermont rocks!

Lake I (with my brother John, invisible under the rigging that he was trying to set up...)
(circa 1999, 40" x 30")
Lake Whitingham, near Wilmington Vermont.  When I was 10, my parents rented a house for a month in nearby Jacksonville for two summers in a row.  We would go to the lake and picnic and swim (and sometimes canoe) for hours.  So started my lake obsession.

Lake Whitingham III (with Alex and a large black dog)
(probably started about 2001, finished(?) 2012,
20" x 16")

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